Prove Yourself Wrong

I’d like to talk to you about a dirty word today.  It’s four-letters long, begins with C and ends in NT, and has a vowel in between.  That word, of course, is “Can’t!”

How many times do you say that stupid, little word every day?  How many times do you stop yourself from doing something just because you “can’t?”

It’s a cliché to say “‘can’t’ really just means ‘won’t’” when we hear someone else say they can’t do something (especially when it’s something we [Read More…]

The Myth of the Overnight Success

"Oh, yeah! Success!"

We’ve all had those thoughts, those “Why not me” thoughts, those, “If only I had come up with that idea instead of him” thoughts.

They start innocently enough, we see an interview with Mark Zuckerberg talking about how many users Facebook has or hear about Richard Branson taking Virgin across the UK in a matter of months…both before their 30th birthdays.  You feel like you missed the boat, you [Read More…]

The Road to Success Step Three: Become Your Own Expert

It’s happened to all of us, we get so enamored with our idea for a great new product or goal or service, that we just go for it without a second thought.

We tell our friends, “I’m going to make a million dollars, because if I just sell to one out of every thousand people in China with a one dollar markup…” but we never stop to actually step back and see if our idea is supported by reality – will [Read More…]

I Want You to Fail

That’s right.  I don’t want you succeed at all.  At last I finally peel back the curtain on my real intentions.  I’m an evil genius who wants nothing more than your complete and utter failure in all you do.

…or not.

What is it that so universally terrifies us of failure?  So often, when someone starts working towards a new goal, you’ll hear things like, “Yeah, but that would never work, so why try,” or “Well, I don’t really have a good [Read More…]

The Tao of Shake Shack

Check out the following video featuring a speech by Randy Garutti, the COO of the cult-like burger joint Shake Shack, talking about his business, and more importantly his passion.  Listen closely and you’ll hear many of the lessons I preach here: focus on goals rather than abject success, do what you do best, simplicity, and making goals that matter to you in order to make yourself more accountable to achieving success.

It’s a really interesting speech with a lot in it [Read More…]

Partners – Do They Help or Hurt Success?

Partners Gettin' It On...Puzzle Style.

Is it just me or is there something Freudian about this image?

Common wisdom tells us that when we want to achieve something we should tell someone or take on a partner in our own success to make ourselves accountable, but does that really help, or could it actually be doing more harm than good?

An article in the July/August 2011 issue of Scientific American examines studies that seem [Read More…]