What Shia LaBeouf can Teach You About Your Dream Job


If you haven’t seen the absolutely insane viral video of Shia LaBeouf standing in front of a green screen shouting at you to “Just do it!” like some coked-out Nike spokesperson, this article isn’t going to make a lot of sense, so I recommend you go watch it now.

Click here to see the video…DO IT!

Okay, now that we’re on the same page, let’s begin…

In my first “real” job, as a financial analyst, I [Read More…]

Why you SHOULD Use Times New Roman on Résumés


In the past few days you it seems can’t go anywhere without hearing how “Times New Roman is the worst font for résumés” or how it’s akin to “wearing sweatpants to an interview.”

I’m here today to say that is just plain WRONG.

The trouble all started when Bloomberg posted a piece asking typography experts about the best and worst fonts to use on résumés.  And this is what the search results have looked [Read More…]

A Tale of Two Clients

In working with my private career coaching clients, I’ve come across – what amounts to – every single personality type imaginable.  From those who can’t live without working and will take any job that comes their way, to those who really don’t want to work and just want to get a job so that their bills get taken care of.  Each of these ways of thinking has its unique strengths and weaknesses. For instance, those who will take any job [Read More…]

What Success REALLY Means…

It’s not money or fame or anything…it’s value.

In coaching people through their careers I find that they often present their problems in very black and white terms.  Either they get the job at the company they want, or they don’t; either they get paid what they were asking or they don’t.  The real world is rarely so stark, and neither is success.

I felt this was an important topic to cover up front, now that Success Hacking is alive and kicking [Read More…]

Why Experts Suck

A lot of people wonder why I eschew the title of “expert” and instead choose to use “hacker.”  Is it just because it sounds more badass?  Well, it does, but that’s not the reason.

To get to the reason, think about about this little scenario.  For the sake of this example, let’s say you’re looking to lose weight.  This can be applied to any field (Finance, employment, time management, etc) but in this case, you want to lose some weight, and [Read More…]

The Road to Success Step Five: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

This is the final step in my Road to Success series.  (Can you believe it’s over already) Please feel free to comment or email me with other feedback.  I’m planning much bigger, more involved series down the road, so I’d be interested to get your take on the inaugural one.

So far you’ve recognized your fears, broken down your goals, became your own expert, and ignored everyone else’s rules.  So now what?

Now?  You refine.  The road to success is not a [Read More…]