Why you SHOULD Use Times New Roman on Résumés


In the past few days you it seems can’t go anywhere without hearing how “Times New Roman is the worst font for résumés” or how it’s akin to “wearing sweatpants to an interview.”

I’m here today to say that is just plain WRONG.

The trouble all started when Bloomberg posted a piece asking typography experts about the best and worst fonts to use on résumés.  And this is what the search results have looked [Read More…]

Why you NEED a 5 Page Résumé


“You MUST keep your résumé to 1 page…unless you’re going for an executive level position.”

It’s advice people hear so often that they don’t even question it.  They work themselves ragged for days or weeks at a time, tweaking and trimming, shifting margins by a fraction of an inch, and adjusting their word choice to choose shorter words when they find that a single word has snuck onto the next line.

It’s also complete and utter [Read More…]

The Road to Success Step Four: Ignore Everyone’s Rules

“I’m a motivated self-starter looking to challenge myself by…blah blah blah!”

And thus begins every stupid cover letter I’ve ever read.

If you’re such a motivated self-starter, why are you being so passive in your approach to getting a job?  Anyone can write a cover letter and send their resume.  I could wake up naked and hungover on a desert island without internet access and I could STILL get a cover letter pumped out before [Read More…]