What Shia LaBeouf can Teach You About Your Dream Job


If you haven’t seen the absolutely insane viral video of Shia LaBeouf standing in front of a green screen shouting at you to “Just do it!” like some coked-out Nike spokesperson, this article isn’t going to make a lot of sense, so I recommend you go watch it now.

Click here to see the video…DO IT!

Okay, now that we’re on the same page, let’s begin…

In my first “real” job, as a financial analyst, I [Read More…]

5 Secrets for Starting a Successful Business


I spend a lot of time covering the deep psychology of how to find a job, but today, I wanted to do something a little bit different.  I wanted to share with you how you can start your OWN BUSINESS.

This has to be one of the most common questions I get.  From CFOs to entry-level employees, everyone dreams of the freedom of starting “the next big thing.”  We all want to do it, [Read More…]

Why you SHOULD Use Times New Roman on Résumés


In the past few days you it seems can’t go anywhere without hearing how “Times New Roman is the worst font for résumés” or how it’s akin to “wearing sweatpants to an interview.”

I’m here today to say that is just plain WRONG.

The trouble all started when Bloomberg posted a piece asking typography experts about the best and worst fonts to use on résumés.  And this is what the search results have looked [Read More…]

Ask a Career Coach #1 Replay

A few weeks back I tried something new, I did a 1-Hour long, live Q&A online where I took YOUR burning career questions.

For those who missed it, I’ve embedded it above so you can check it out and see what I have to say about everything from Internships to Promotions and more.

I’ll be doing more of these in the future, so feel free to submit any business or career questions you [Read More…]

What a $30 Billion Company Taught me About Email

As some of you might know, I spent some time working in NYC finance at a Fortune 100 firm.  Looking back, some of the best lessons I STILL pass along to clients today come from my time working there.

Working at a large firm like that has a way of teaching you things whether you like it or not.  The sheer volume of work ensures that.  Everything is magnified.  In most jobs, your ledgers might be off by a few hundred [Read More…]

Make this the Year you Kick your Own Ass



Here it is, the gratuitous New Years post.  You all knew it was coming.  However, this post is not about meaningless resolutions.  This is not about saying you’re going to do something and forgetting about it next week.  This is about creating real, meaningful change in your life.

That’s part of the reason I waited until a week after New Years to make this post.  By now, gone are the social pressures to [Read More…]