5 Secrets for Starting a Successful Business


I spend a lot of time covering the deep psychology of how to find a job, but today, I wanted to do something a little bit different.  I wanted to share with you how you can start your OWN BUSINESS.

This has to be one of the most common questions I get.  From CFOs to entry-level employees, everyone dreams of the freedom of starting “the next big thing.”  We all want to do it, [Read More…]

The Tao of Shake Shack

Check out the following video featuring a speech by Randy Garutti, the COO of the cult-like burger joint Shake Shack, talking about his business, and more importantly his passion.  Listen closely and you’ll hear many of the lessons I preach here: focus on goals rather than abject success, do what you do best, simplicity, and making goals that matter to you in order to make yourself more accountable to achieving success.

It’s a really interesting speech with a lot in it [Read More…]