What Shia LaBeouf can Teach You About Your Dream Job


If you haven’t seen the absolutely insane viral video of Shia LaBeouf standing in front of a green screen shouting at you to “Just do it!” like some coked-out Nike spokesperson, this article isn’t going to make a lot of sense, so I recommend you go watch it now.

Click here to see the video…DO IT!

Okay, now that we’re on the same page, let’s begin…

In my first “real” job, as a financial analyst, I [Read More…]

Destroy Your Business for Fun and Profit


“I don’t like you in the same way as you like me”

“I think maybe we should see other people”

“It’s not you, it’s me”

We have plenty of language for breaking off a relationship when we realize it just isn’t working out, but what about when our business isn’t working out?

At some point, every entrepreneur will be confronted with the thought that his business just isn’t working out.  Most friends [Read More…]

Make this the Year you Kick your Own Ass



Here it is, the gratuitous New Years post.  You all knew it was coming.  However, this post is not about meaningless resolutions.  This is not about saying you’re going to do something and forgetting about it next week.  This is about creating real, meaningful change in your life.

That’s part of the reason I waited until a week after New Years to make this post.  By now, gone are the social pressures to [Read More…]

I Want You to Fail

That’s right.  I don’t want you succeed at all.  At last I finally peel back the curtain on my real intentions.  I’m an evil genius who wants nothing more than your complete and utter failure in all you do.

…or not.

What is it that so universally terrifies us of failure?  So often, when someone starts working towards a new goal, you’ll hear things like, “Yeah, but that would never work, so why try,” or “Well, I don’t really have a good [Read More…]